What Will Cause a Gas Pump to Continuously Kick Off


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Imagine your car is on its last leg, and you're about to run out of fuel. You check the gauge, and it informs you that there is still plenty of space in your tank. But why does the gas pump keep stopping before my tank is full?

You've undoubtedly had this aggravating problem before? It's known as "stalling."

When your gas tank is full, the shutoff mechanism is intended to switch off the fuel pump because it would be a fire hazard if your automobile's gas tank overflowed and spilled all over the ground, the fuel supply is shut off in this case.

We'll look at what causes gas pumps to stall and how to avoid them in this blog post.

Your gas pump keeps stopping before your tank is full because the pump is set up to stop when it detects a certain level of gasoline in the tank. This is to avoid overfilling and spills because the nozzle on the pump is gets blocked, preventing it from pumping more fuel into the tank.

When this happens, you may need to clear the nozzle or switch nozzles. Low fuel levels may also be a cause, especially if you're using a fuel pump that's incompatible with your car. If this is the case, try to find a station that has a compatible pump.

Also, when you're using a debit or credit card to pay for your gas, your bank may be imposing daily spending limits that are causing the pump to stop prematurely. To avoid this issue, try using cash instead.

What is a Gas Pump?

A gas pump is a machine used to pump gasoline, diesel, or other types of fuel into vehicles. Gas pumps today are powered by electricity or gasoline engines. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but all have three main parts: the pump, the meter, and the nozzle.

The pump draws fuel from the storage tank and pushes it through the meter and nozzle. The meter measures how much fuel has been pumped, while the nozzle attaches to the vehicle's fuel tank to allow the fuel to be transferred.

What are the Different Types of Gas Pumps?

There are three types of gas pumps:

  • Mechanical
  • Electronic
  • Infrared

Mechanical pumps are the oldest type of pump and use a lever to control the flow of fuel. They are less accurate than electronic pumps and can be more prone to jamming. However, they are generally cheaper than other types of pumps.

Electronic pumps rely on an electric motor to control the flow of fuel. They are more accurate than mechanical pumps and can handle a wider range of fuels, including ethanol blends up to E85. However, they tend to be more expensive than other types of pumps.

Infrared (or laser) pumps use lasers to measure the volume of fuel in the tank. They are the most accurate type of pump and can handle a wide range of fuels, including ethanol blends up to E85. However, they are also the most expensive type of pump.

Does a Gas Pump Have a Sensor?

Gas pumps have a sensor that detects when the tank is full. This prevents overfilling and spilling fuel. The pump will stop automatically when it senses that the tank is full.

When you continue to pump gas after the pump has stopped, you could damage the pump or cause a spill. Always wait for the pump to stop before removing the nozzle from your car's fuel tank.

What Can I Do To Make The Pump Go All The Way To The Bottom Of My Tank?

In case you think there might be something wrong with the pump or your car's fuel system, it's best to take it to a mechanic for inspection. However, if you just think that the hose is kinked or has something caught in it, you might be able to fix the problem yourself.

Simply try straightening out the hose or removing any debris that might be blocking the flow of fuel. Be very careful when doing this, as kinks in the hose can cause a fire.

What Makes the Gas Pump Keep Stopping?

There are a few potential reasons why your gas pump keeps stopping before your tank is full. They include:

The gas pump is detecting that your tank is full and stops automatically.

This is the most likely reason why your gas pump keeps stopping before your tank is full. Most gas pumps have a sensor that detects when a tank is full, to avoid overfilling the tank and causing a spill.

If this is the reason why your gas pump keeps stopping, you'll need to either wait until the tank empties a bit or find another way to top off your tank.

The gas pump is experiencing a mechanical issue.

If the gas pump is stopping automatically, there may be a mechanical issue with the pump itself. If this is the case, you'll need to report the issue to the station attendant or the manufacturer of the pump.

You're not using the right type of fuel.

If you're using a fuel that the gas pump isn't designed to handle, it may stop automatically. For example, if you put diesel fuel in a gasoline-powered car, the pump may stop automatically to avoid damage to the engine.

You're using an incompatible pump.

If you're using a fuel pump that's incompatible with the type of fuel you're using, the pump may stop automatically. For example, if you're using a diesel fuel pump with a gasoline-powered car, the pump may stop automatically to avoid damage to the engine.

Low fuel levels

Low fuel levels may also be another issue, especially if you're using a fuel pump that's incompatible with your car. If this is the case, try to find a station that has a compatible pump.

Low Fuel Light Comes On When Tank Is Full: Causes and Fixes

How to Fix a Gas Pump that Keeps Turning Off

Here are some tips on how to fix a gas pump that keeps turning off.

  1. Make sure that the nozzle is inserted into the gas tank. If it's not inserted all the way, the pump will stop prematurely.
  2. When the gas tank is full, the pump will stop prematurely. Make sure to check the gas gauge before you start pumping.
  3. In case the pump is dirty, it may stop working. Try wiping it down with a cloth to see if that solves the issue.
  4. If the pump is old or malfunctioning, it may need to be replaced. Contact your local gas station for assistance.


There are a few possible reasons why your gas pump is stopping before your tank is full. The pump is calibrated to stop when it detects a certain amount of fuel in the tank. This prevents overfilling and potential spills.

Low fuel levels may also be the culprit, especially if you're using a fuel pump that's incompatible with your car. If this is the case, try to find a station that has a compatible pump.

If you're using a debit or credit card to pay for your gas, your bank may be imposing daily spending limits that are causing the pump to stop prematurely. To avoid this issue, try using cash instead.

For more related articles, check out these posts:

What Happens If You Overfill Your Gas Tank?

How To Test A Fuel Pump Without A Pressure Gauge

Can You Pump Gas With The Car On?


Source: https://vehiclefreak.com/why-does-the-gas-pump-keep-stopping-before-my-tank-is-full/

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